I wore all the creative and marketing hats during my time at Estately, helping elevate the company’s profile until it caught the eye of Realogy, the largest real estate company in the country. Then they bought it.
Content marketing
Seattle-area real estate prices by Link Light Rail stop
I came up with the concept, crunched the numbers, wrote the article, and partnered with a designer to make this Seattle real estate map. That’s why this map is so much nicer than the ones I designed myself. The Seattle Times used this for their front page article.
Questions each state googles more than any other state
Before everyone copied this style of data map, I made them for Estately using data from Google Trends. These posts got millions of hits, tens of thousands of social shares, hundreds of reposts on other sites, and the nice TV news people liked to discuss them to lighten the mood after reporting on some horrific crime.
U.S. states most/least likely to survive a zombie apocalypse
I did radio and TV interviews for a week after this came out. The highlight was when Kathie Lee and Hoda discussed it on TODAY and Kathie Lee complained “Oh c’mon! Are we seriously going to talk about this?” And then they did.